(December 1, 2002)

(He was born on January 16, 1998.)

Table of photograph collection of recollection
Photograph collection of
the recollection in 1998
WAKEN is the year when was born. KAORI was helped by the maternity nurse and gave birth to him in the home. She carried pickaback him and did mountain climbing that sees an Alpine rose and JOHMON-SUGI (Japanese cedar).
Photograph collection of
the recollection in 1999
Although WAKEN is slower than other babies, he grew little by little. April, his grandmother have transmigrated here. She did his care well.
Photograph collection of
the recollection in 2000
SEIYA of WAKEN's cousin came. WAKEN received toys from him and also quarreled and also play with him and also received very good stimulation. WAKEN became able to speak fairly in this 1 year.
Photograph collection of
the recollection in 2001
We have moved in a new house in late in May of this year. WAKEN has come to be possible fairly regular life. He hardly became do a nap. After supper, he has come to sleep right away. We have come to be possible communication fairly in this 1 year. However, we are not able to tell it to him carelessly, because he has learned anything.
Photograph collection of
the recollection in 2002
This is the photograph collection in this year. Here a photograph is being added gradually.