Our principal residence

(April 22, 2000)

The exterior wall is made of SUGI (Japanese cedar) in YAKUSHIMA. We painted wall boards by using the one that mixed persimmon tannin and Bengala (dark Bordeaux color) = powder of red iron ore = Fe
2O3 beforehand. Those were completed to tasteful color.
From April 1, 2000
In succession the roof craftsman shingled the roof. Wood shingle is irregular form. Therefore he took time to work. We ordered it 11 more bunches, because shingles stopped sufficient without expecting. He had to discontinue the job for a while until the shingles reaches.

From April 1 to 15th in 2000
The carpenter boarded the ceiling of the eaves of the southwest and attached remaining sashes. Also he attached the eaves to sashes that has distance from the roof.

From April 17, 2000
The carpenter began to board the exterior wall.

(April 22, 2000)

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